Advanced Studies
Futures of Sustainability
Photo: Macario Lacbawan
1 April 2021
From April to June we welcome Dr. habil. Tanja Bogusz as a fellow at our centre. She will use her fellowship for further exploration of her ethnographic studies on taxonomic biodiversity research at the Paris Museum of Natural History and in the context of a 300-strong marine biology expedition in Papua New Guinea.
In her exchange with our team, she is concerned first with the implications of the rise in the political importance of biodiversity for sociological social theory; and second, with the question of whether and to what extent the loss of biodiversity can be made productive as a starting point for experimental collaborations between the natural and social sciences in the age of the Anthropocene. A workshop on a corresponding redefinition of the relationship between sociology and ecology is planned for June 2021. The stay will be rounded off by a public "Kolleg-Lecture" on the topic of biodiversity and society.