Newsroom11 September 2024|Futures of SustainabilitySenses of the Future. Conflicting Ideas of the Future in the World Today, 16 October 2024, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Photo: De GryuterThe future has become a problem for the present. Almost every critical issue is now understood and experienced through the prism of the future since...9 September 2024|Futures of SustainabilityClimate change and security: learning from the Pacific region, 17 September 2024, 6:15-7:45 p.m.Photo: Tony Webster via wikimedia commonsWe are happy to host this policy dialogue, as a joint event organised by Toda Peace Institute (Japan), Universität Hamburg, and Institute for Peace...1 August 2024|Futures of SustainabilityNew Fellow: Norbert EbertPhoto: Norbert EbertNorbert Ebert is a Sociologist at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. His work is grounded in the critical sociology tradition of the Budapest...18 July 2024|Futures of SustainabilityHopeful Attachments on a Ruined Planet, 9-11 October 2024Photo: Art: Marie Klingelhöfer, Design: Martin KollmannWhat orientations towards the future are emerging as intertwined ecological, social, and political crises intensify? The conference explores the...15 July 2024|Futures of SustainabilityPerceiving and Reflecting Organized Valuation, 24-25 October 2024, HamburgPhoto: Alev Takil on UnsplashThe purpose of this workshop (24.-25. October 2024 in Hamburg) is to reflect, together with Christian Bessy (Head of IDHES, ENS Paris-Saclay), on the...1 July 2024|Futures of SustainabilityNew Fellow: Yifei LiPhoto: Yifei LiI am broadly interested in contemporary Chinese environmental politics. As a sociologist, I am more specifically interested in the human beings behind...6 June 2024|Futures of SustainabilityWhen Power Goes Green, 10 July 2024Photo: Art: Marie Klingelhöfer; Design: Martin KollmannHow does the climate emergency engender new configurations of power? And how does it reinforce existing ones? In this workshop, we want to examine the...4 June 2024|Futures of SustainabilityCarbon Societies: The Social Logic of Fossil Fuels, 26 June 2024, 03:30-06:00 p.m.Photo: politybooksThe climate crisis is humanmade due to burning fossil fuels. Peter Wagner’s book delves into the reasons behind the trajectory of escalating fossil...4 June 2024|Futures of SustainabilityPodiumsdiskussion zum Klimawende Ausblick 2024, 25. Juni 2024, 18.30 UhrPhoto: Stefan C. AykutDas Center for Sustainable Society Research (CSS) lädt herzlich ein zu einer Podiumsdiskussion zum Klimawende Ausblick 2024 mit dem Titel „Die...3 June 2024|Futures of SustainabilityStructural problems in climate reporting, 13 June 2024, 04:00-06:00 p.m.Photo: Art: Marie Klingelhöfer, Design: Martin KollmannThe climate crisis poses an acute threat to our livelihoods, yet it is usually only one topic among others in the media coverage. This does not do...7 May 2024|Futures of SustainabilityDie Rechte der NaturPhoto: Netzwerk Rechte der NaturAm 25.04. 2024 war Frank Adloff für einen Vortrag mit dem Thema "Die Rechte der Natur - Eine wichtige Chance in Zeiten der Postnachhaltigkeit" zu Gast...23 April 2024|Futures of SustainabilityWidersprechen oder TotschlagenPhoto: iStock: ronstikAm 12. April ist eine Podcast-Folge der Golden Record Studios mit Frank Adloff auf Spotify erschienen:"Widersprechen oder Totschlagen"Wie begegnen wir...1 April 2024|Futures of SustainabilityNew Writer in Residence: Alexa HöberPhoto: Britta KunftAlexa Höber is a freelance television author. After studying visual communication with Prof. Wim Wenders at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts, she...26 March 2024|Futures of SustainabilityNew Writer in Residence: Sara SchurmannPhoto: Reinaldo CoddouSara Schurmann is a freelance journalist, author and journalism trainer. Among others she worked as executive editor, chief copy editor and consultant...19 March 2024|Futures of SustainabilityCall for papers: Annual conferencePhoto: Art: Marie Klingelhöfer, Design: Martin KollmannWhat orientations towards the future are emerging as intertwined ecological, social, and political crises intensify? The conference explores the...Show all news