Advanced Studies
Futures of Sustainability
Photo: Macario Lacbawan
28 March 2022
From April to July 2022, Christopher Schrader will be Writer in Residence at the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies "Futures of Sustainability". He lives as a freelance science journalist in Hamburg and has focused on reporting on the climate crisis for more than 20 years. He holds a degree in physics and is a graduate of the Henri Nannen School. Among other things, he worked for 15 years as an editor for the Süddeutsche Zeitung in Munich and Berlin.
There, he primarily covered the natural science causes and consequences, but for the past few years, the social science-related aspects of the climate debate have become the focus of his interest. In his view, the contributions that sociology, psychology and communication sciences can make are very much underestimated. During his time at the Humanities Centre Schrader plans to focus not only on the work of the researchers there, but also on the emergence and success factors of social movements.
Schrader is one of the founders of the projects "KlimaSocial" and "Klima wandeln" on the portal of the journalists' cooperative Most recently, he published "Über Klima sprechen – das Handbuch zur Klimakommunikation" in collaboration with It has been published online in chapters between November 2020 and March 2022; a print edition will follow in summer 2022.
We´re looking forward to the collaboration!