Futures of Sustainability
Humanities Centre for
Advanced Studies
Futures of Sustainability
Advanced Studies
Futures of Sustainability
Photo: Macario Lacbawan
4 January 2023
From January to April 2023 Prof. Dr. Hannes Krämer will be a Fellow at the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies. He is Professor of Institutional Communication at the University of Duisburg-Essen and researches, among other things, communication processes in the field of work and organization, boundaries, and the sociology of time. In recent years, Hannes Krämer has worked on conceptual and methodological questions of the future as well as on empirical-phenomenal details of what is to come in various social fields. For the duration of his stay as a Fellow, Krämer will focus on the relationship between everyday life and the future.
We are looking forward to the collaboration!