Advanced Studies
Futures of Sustainability
Photo: Macario Lacbawan
19 March 2024
Photo: Art: Marie Klingelhöfer, Design: Martin Kollmann
What orientations towards the future are emerging as intertwined ecological, social, and political crises intensify? The conference explores the entanglements of catastrophic and hopeful thinking in the Anthropocene. In particular, it examines the role of hopeful attachments in the midst of the ongoing destruction of life-worlds. As more and more ecosystems and social fabrics are threatened, what forms of visionary, future-oriented politics might still emerge? What promises are made at a time when the future seems lost (Garcés 2023)? Where are people investing in alternative “architectures of possibilities” (Simone 2020), and to what effect?
Please download the complete call here.
Please send your 250-word abstract and a short bio-note to: futures.of.sustainability"AT" by April 30, 2024 [subject: Hope Abstract]
Support for travel and accommodation costs will be offered for successful applicants.