Online Conference 2022
Online Conference of the
DFG Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies “Futures of Sustainability”
The search for technical and market-oriented solutions to combat climate change is in full swing. Electric vehicles, the massive expansion of renewable energies, green hydrogen, geoengineering, as well as carbon trading, are key issues of global climate politics and increasingly influencing national and supranational agendas. Notwithstanding their actual relevance for reducing CO2-emissions, these climate solutions, however, are often associated with environmental injustices and neocolonial dependencies on which we will focus in this conference, following Farhana Sultanas’ (2022) term of »climate coloniality«.
We will have a look on the myriad ways and mechanisms with which the fight against climate change and new patterns of colonial domination in both the Global North and South are intertwined. Furthermore, the conference discusses how climate and environmental research and governance maintain and reinforce colonial epistemologies and power relations. Beyond that, we will especially look at counter-narratives and imaginaries, spaces of resistance, and attempts to decolonize climate change in favor of plural ways of knowledge creation.
The conference is hosted by the DFG Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies »Futures of Sustainability« at the University of Hamburg, Germany, and supported by the Instituto de Bioética and the Facultad de Filosofía, of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana at Bogotá, Colombia.
For further Information see the call for papers. (PDF) (Deadline for submission expired)
Conference Program:
>>> Please note: all times in Central European Time (CET) = UTC + 1! <<<
Tuesday, 22nd of November
3:00 pm (UTC+1): Welcome and Introduction
3:30-5:00 pm (UTC+1): Keynote:
Farhana Sultana (Syracuse University, USA)
"Decolonizing Climate Coloniality" > Video on Youtube
5:00-6:00 pm (UTC+1): Break
6:00–8:00 pm (UTC+1): Simultaneous sessions:
Session I: Uneven Development + Security and Climate Policy
Lourdes Alonso Serna (Universidad del Mar, Mexico)
Johanna Tunn (Universität Hamburg, Germany)
Brianna Castro (Harvard University, USA)
Bernardo Jurema and Cecília Oliveira (IASS Potsdam, Germany)
Ricardo Barbosa, Jr. (University of Brasilia, Brazil)
Session II: Reproduction of Colonial Legacies in Climate Action
Alex Lenferna (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
Emiliano Castillo Jara (Universität Trier, Germany)
Hamza Hamouchene (Transnational Institute (TNI), UK)
Francesca Rosignoli (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain)
Charlotte Weatherill (University of Manchester, UK)
Wednesday, 23rd of November
1:00–2:30 pm (UTC+1): Keynote:
Ruth Nyambura (African Ecofeminists Collective, Kenya):
"Test Runs for Liberation: African Eco(Feminist) Insurrectionist Histories in the Struggles for the Commons"
> Video on Youtube
2:30–3:00 pm (UTC+1): Break
3:00–5:00 pm (UTC+1): Simultaneous sessions:
Session III: Local Effects and Understandings of Climate Action
Sunil D. Santha et al. (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India)
Maryam Tahmasebi (Los Angeles Pierce College, USA)
Sandra Rátiva Gaona (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Pubela, Mexico)
Silke Oldenburg (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Pablo Aránguiz Mesías (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
Session IV: Indigenous Epistemologies +
Resistance and Local Understanding of Climate Crises
Andrea Garcés (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Sirkka Miller (University of Wiskonsin-Madison, USA)
Elias König (IASS Potsdam, Germany)
Miriam Lang (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador)
Virenda Kumar (University of Delhi, India)
5:00–6:00 pm (UTC+1): Break
6:00–8:15 pm (UTC+1): Session V: Governance
Sandrine Birkeland (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Hector Herrera (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Waquar Ahmed (University of Texas, USA)
Harold Bellanger (University of Montreal, Canada)
Aline Carrara (University of Florida, USA)
Mark Shakespear (University of British Colombia, Canada)
Thursday, 24th of November
3:00–5:00 pm (UTC+1): Session VI: Temporalities of Climate Colonialism + International Narratives
Larry Lohmann (The Corner House, UK)
Franziska Müller (Universität Hamburg, Germany)
Lukas Stolz (Goldsmiths College London, UK)
Namera Nous (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Camila Moreno (Universidade Federal Rural, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
5:00–6:00 pm (UTC+1): Break
6:00–8:00 pm (UTC+1): Session VII with Activists and Social Leaders
(will be simultaneously translated English <> Spanish)
Francisca Fernández Droguett (Movimiento por el Agua y los Territorios, Chile)
Elisabeth Mpofu (Via Campesina, Zimbabwe)
Esteban Servat (Debt for Climate, Argentina)
Ipuchima Taireko (COICA, Colombia)
Eva Maria Fjellheim (Saami Council, Norway)
Organization: Nelsa de la Hoz, Benno Fladvad, Laura Gutiérrez Escobar, Martina Hasenfratz, Nathalia Hernández Vidal, Diego Silva Garzon
Registrations externals: Please register by sending an e-mail to: zukuenfte.der.nachhaltigkeit"AT"
Registered participants will receive the Zoom access details shortly before the Conference. Until then, we kindly ask for your patience.
Twitter during the conference: #ClimateColonialityConference @fos_uhh